Video Narratives

From a Republican attack ad mentioning Madeline to the fun of watching successful organizing and issue campaigns in action, to Keith dancing his way through his retirement video, enjoy!


Chicago ACORN leader Beatrice Jackson helps to narrate the story of the Chicago Heat Campaign in January 2003.


John McCain ran an ad in the 2008 campaign called "ACORN" which named Madeline Talbott as a key instigator behind Barack Obama's "Blind Ambition."

Organizing Graffiti_Madeline Talbott Teaches How to Community Organize

Video by Reuben Atlas

Madeline trains a group of ACORN leaders and staff on power.


Video by Juneteenth Productions for SEIU HCIIMK

ULU/SEIU880 and SEIU HCIIMK Founder, Keith Kelleher, Retirement Video - 38 Years of Organizing and Dancing All the Way!


Video by Junteenth Productions for SEIU HCIIMK

2013: 30th Year Anniversary of Homecare Organizing Video- ULU/SEIU880 and SEIU HCIIMK founding leaders, organizers, and members led by former President Helen Miller, share the stories and history behind how 880/HCIIMK and the SEIU Homecare and Childcare movement was built.


‘Crunch Time At McMaid’ - Keith Kelleher Tells Personal Story of First Homecare Worker Organizing Victory in Chicago in 1983” Originally Performed as part of The Goodman Theater GeNarrations Program, 2021.


Here we post some videos about our work and that of the community members and leaders we loved working with. You will find tributes to those leaders, discussions of issue campaigns, and an occasional video made about us that are not always complimentary.


When we share ours with someone else and listen to theirs, we’re taking a step towards building collective power.